coal tar pitch production process

Generation and characterization of coalbased needle coke .

Generation and characterization of coalbased needle coke .

WEBSep 12, 2022 · In this study, we studied the feasibility of preparing highquality needle coke from coal liquefaction pitch. Nine types of blending pitch (coal liquefaction pitch and anthracene oil mixed with different ratios) were used as raw materials to generate needle coke via the cocarbonization method. Optical microscopy, Xray diffraction, Raman .

coaltar product

coaltar product

WEBcoaltar product. Coal tar, a black, sticky liquid thicker than water, is produced when coal is heated in the absence of air, a process called destructive distillation. Much coal tar is produced by the steel industry as it produces millions of tons of coke each year to fuel the furnaces used in separating iron from its ores.

Xylene activation of coal tar pitch binding characteristics for ...

Xylene activation of coal tar pitch binding characteristics for ...

WEBJul 1, 2016 · Coal tar pitch with the advantages of low price, lower impurity content and the same elementary composition as coke is the most commonly used binder for the production of briquettes from coke breeze. However, coal tar pitch has little cohesiveness before being heated to melting state and the carbonization must be operated at high .

Mesophase from a coal tar pitch: a Raman spectroscopy study

Mesophase from a coal tar pitch: a Raman spectroscopy study

WEBJun 20, 2002 · The results indie that Raman spectroscopy can be employed to monitor the process of production of mesophase spherules from coal tar pitches by studying the degree of structural order of the resultant product. ... (HS) content in refined coal tar pitch (RCTP) on the preparation of needle coke (NC), a series of RCTP with different HS .

The Aluminum Smelting Process and Innovative Alternative .

The Aluminum Smelting Process and Innovative Alternative .

WEBMay 8, 2014 · The industrial aluminum production process is addressed. The purpose is to give a short but comprehensive description of the electrolysis cell technology, the raw materials used, and the health and safety relevance of the process. ... In addition, the carbon anodes contain 13 to 16 wt% coal tar pitch to be used as a binder material, ...

Characterization approach to develop distillation process for ...

Characterization approach to develop distillation process for ...

WEBNov 1, 2021 · As per customer requirement, these properties could be achieved by controlling coal tar quality, different parameters during distillation of tar and processing of soft and medium pitch. Coal tar ...

Influence of coal properties on coal conversion processal ...

Influence of coal properties on coal conversion processal ...

WEBFeb 8, 2021 · Several studies have been conducted on carbon fibre production using coaltar pitch as raw material ... Kaneko T, Tsuruya S (2004) Hypercoal process to produce the ashfree coal. Fuel Process Technol 85:947–967. Article Google Scholar Orem WH, Finkelman RB (2003) Coal formation and geochemistry. US Geological Survey, US, .

Control of the properties of a binder pitch to enhance the

Control of the properties of a binder pitch to enhance the

WEBApr 16, 2023 · It is therefore necessary to investigate binder pitch to control and optimize its properties for the successful replacement of coal tar pitch in various carbon materials. With reference to previous studies on coal tar pitch, the binder pitch should have a high molecular weight to prevent pore formation during the carbonization process.

IRIS Toxicological Review of Benzo[A]Pyrene (Final Report)

IRIS Toxicological Review of Benzo[A]Pyrene (Final Report)

WEBJan 30, 2017 · In addition, there is strong evidence of carcinogenicity in occupations involving exposure to PAH mixtures containing benzo[a]pyrene, such as aluminum production, chimney sweeping, coal gasifiion, coaltar distillation, coke production, iron and steel founding, and paving and roofing with coal tar pitch.

Process for the manufacture of coaltar pitch

Process for the manufacture of coaltar pitch

WEBThe process of manufacturing coaltar pitch from a coaltar obtained by distillation of coal in a fluidized bed; comprising the steps of forming a mixture at a temperature of 100 C. of equal weights of anthracene oil and said coaltar, and distilling said mixture under a pressure of 18 mm. of mercury until the residue reaches a K. S. softening ...

The manufacture of highvalue carbon from coaltar pitch☆

The manufacture of highvalue carbon from coaltar pitch☆

WEBSep 1, 1981 · Worldwide, 17 million ta −1 of coaltar are obtained as a by product in the chamber coking process for the production of metallurgical coke. Refining of this aromatic raw material yields coaltar pitch which is the traditional coalderived starting material for the manufacture of carbon precursors and carbon artefacts.

Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon .

Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon .

WEBNov 5, 2021 · The thermal plasma system shows high efficiency in conversion CTP into highvalueadded products and the composition of gas produced and energy costs were estimated theoretically for the CTP pyrolysis and gasifiion processes with two oxidant: oxygen and water vapor. ABSTRACT The processing of coal tar pitch (CTP) to .

Molasses and air blown coal tar pitch binders for the production .

Molasses and air blown coal tar pitch binders for the production .

WEBMay 1, 2011 · Since molasses and coal tar pitch, are relatively cheap and readily available materials, the process investigated could be economical way of producing high quality formed coke. Scheme of formed ...

CoalTar Pitch Coke

CoalTar Pitch Coke

WEBApr 16, 2021 · Pitch coke (PC) is manufactured by the carbonization at temperature equal to or higher than approximately 450 °C of coaltar pitch as a raw material withdrawn from the bottom of a distillation column in which coal tar is described. The majority of PC is processed for making a carbon or graphite electrode. PC is used as a raw material to ...

Influence of Production Conditions on the Quality of Coal Tar

Influence of Production Conditions on the Quality of Coal Tar

WEBMay 16, 2022 · In electrode production with coal pitch as the binder, the characteristics of pitch—the yield of volatiles and the ash content—are somewhat less important than the content of materials insoluble in toluene (the α fraction) and quinoline (the α 1 fraction). Pitch quality depends mainly on the coal tar, whose composition and properties affect .



WEBProduction process. Bitumens are derived from the distillation of crude petroleum oils that give substantial amounts of heavy residue, typically from 10–50%, although crude oils giving a greater yield of residue are sometimes used. ... The presence of coaltar pitch appeared to be the primary determinant of dermal exposure to PAHs and ...



WEBManufacturing process. Coal tar is obtained by cooling the gas that is formed during the destructive distillation of coal to approximately ambient temperature. ... over 90% of the world production of these aromatic chemicals was derived from the petrochemical industry, and coal ... 1987, 2010) coaltar pitch and roofingtar emissions were found ...

Aluminium production process: from Hall–Héroult to modern .

Aluminium production process: from Hall–Héroult to modern .

WEBFeb 25, 2022 · Coaltar pitch. Coaltar pitch (CTP), commonly called pitch, is a complex mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons with an amorphous structure. It is obtained by distillation of coal tar, a byproduct of the production of metallurgical coke at 350 °C.

Synthesis and evaluation of petroleumbased impregnating pitch .

Synthesis and evaluation of petroleumbased impregnating pitch .

WEBDec 25, 2023 · The impregnation process for graphite blocks can utilize both coal tarbased pitch and petroleumbased pitch as impregnating materials. While there have been numerous studies on coal tarbased impregnating pitch, relatively fewer studies have been conducted on petroleumbased impregnating pitches with controlled molecular weights.

Coal tar production processes and potential of PAHs release .

Coal tar production processes and potential of PAHs release .

WEBDec 4, 2019 · coal (researchers f orecast that the extreme reliance of the. country on coal for p ower generation and electricity supply, will resu lt to a peak in production rate of about 284 Mt/y ear in. 2020 ...

Investigation of Coal Tar Pitch Binder for the Production of .

Investigation of Coal Tar Pitch Binder for the Production of .

WEBIn this paper, coal tar pitch binder and BJ additive were used in briquetting and carbonizing process of coal powder. The results showed that BJ effectively activated cold state cohesiveness of the pitch and make it bond the coke particles to a firm briquette at room temperature .Carbonizations of coal and coal tar pitch achieved obvious ...

Methods for modifying needle coke raw materials by introducing ...

Methods for modifying needle coke raw materials by introducing ...

WEBFeb 15, 2022 · In paper [87], the ethylene tar pitch containing significant amounts of reactive unsaturated hydrocarbons is modified by the introduction of coal tar pitch in an amount of 30–50 wt%. When the ethylene tar pitch is coked separately, an isotropic mesophase is formed, unfavourable for the production of needle coke [88] .

Carbon precursors in coal tar: Extraction and preparation of carbon ...

Carbon precursors in coal tar: Extraction and preparation of carbon ...

WEBSep 20, 2021 · Common technologies for coal tar production appliions urgently need to be upgraded because coal tar is listed as a national hazardous waste. ... Engineering flow sheet of the phenol extraction process from coal tar (Gai et al., 2019). Reproduced with permission from Elsevier. ... Wei et al. (2019) selected coal tar pitch as the carbon ...

Utilisation of the binders prepared from coal tar pitch and .

Utilisation of the binders prepared from coal tar pitch and .

WEBSep 1, 2010 · The output of a coaltar pitch (CTP) approximately accounts for over 50 wt% of coal tar production with over 15 million tons annually in China in recent years [1].



WEBAug 31, 2004 · The production of coal tar pitch, as in the case of petroleum pitch, has likewise declined significantly over the past two decades. Coal tar pitch is a byproduct of metallurgical grade coke (metcoke) production. In this industry, modern metcoke facilities are recycling coal tar as fuel in order to enhance energy efficiency and minimize ...

Synthetic and Industrial CoalTar Pitch and Pitch Coke

Synthetic and Industrial CoalTar Pitch and Pitch Coke

WEBNov 28, 2022 · The most common highcarbon precursors used in steeping are coaltar pitch and, less frequently, petroleum pitch and synthetic pitch [4, 5].Recently, researchers outside Russia have considered the production of carbon–carbon composites not only from coaltar pitch and petroleum pitch [] but from alternatives such as thermoreactive .

Production of Commercial Naphthalene by CoalTar Processing

Production of Commercial Naphthalene by CoalTar Processing

WEBFeb 27, 2019 · The naphthalene content in the commercial product derived from coal tar in this system is wt %., while the yield of naphthalene is at least wt %. (3) In the basic threecolumn system, the total heat consumption is Gcal/t of commercial naphthalene (of purity wt %). (4) If heat is recycled in the threecolumn system, the ...

Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon .

Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon .

WEBThe processing of coal tar pitch (CTP) to produce clean fuel gas and carbon black (CB) is studied in a plasma reactor equipped with a directcurrent plasma torch. The composition of the gas produced and energy costs were estimated theoretically for the CTP pyrolysis and gasifiion processes by two oxidants, namely oxygen and water vapor.

Xylene activation of coal tar pitch binding characteristics for ...

Xylene activation of coal tar pitch binding characteristics for ...

WEBJul 1, 2016 · Qiang Zhong [19, 20] added coal tar pitch to industrial coal powder during coking; the drop strength and compressive strength of coke increased from to times/2 m and to MPa ...

Utilisation of the binders prepared from coal tar pitch and .

Utilisation of the binders prepared from coal tar pitch and .

WEBSep 1, 2010 · The whole formed coke production process involving phenolic resin's preparation, their blending, coal tar pitch preparation and blending it with the phenolic resins blend, coke breeze grinding, mixing the blended binder with the coke breeze, briquetting, curing the green briquettes and carbonizing the cured briquettes at different .

Production of petro/coal tar pitch by joint distillation of coal tar ...

Production of petro/coal tar pitch by joint distillation of coal tar ...

WEBDec 2, 2010 · The properties of petro/coal tar pitch and distillate fractions obtained in the joint distillation of coal tar and heavy pyrolytic oil from ethylene production are described. The petro/coal tar pitch is particularly reactive in heat treatment and airblowing. The petro/coal tar pitch may be used as less carcinogenic binder and impregnating .

Investigation of resole, novalac and coal tar pitch blended binder .

Investigation of resole, novalac and coal tar pitch blended binder .

WEBMar 1, 2011 · Coal tar pitch with the advantages of low price, lower impurity content and the same elementary composition as coke is the most commonly used binder for the production of briquettes from coke breeze.

Co‑carbonization of coal tar pitch and brominated industrial ...

Co‑carbonization of coal tar pitch and brominated industrial ...

WEBMay 1, 2024 · Co‑carbonization of coal tar pitch and brominated industrial methylnaphthalene for the production of isotropic pitchbased carbon fibers with enhanced tensile strength. ... was added as a alyst. The feedstock was subjected to a 6h co‑carbonization process at 350 °C in a flowing nitrogen atmosphere, with nitrogen flow .

Modifiion of coaltar pitch with 10Undecenal to reduce the .

Modifiion of coaltar pitch with 10Undecenal to reduce the .

WEBJan 20, 2018 · Coaltar pitch (CTP) is a solid residue derived from coal tar distillation process, and its yield is generally in the range of 50–60 wt% of coal tar. Coal tar yield usually accounts for ∼3–5 wt% of coal (dry basis) for producing coke. coke yield is usually in the range of ∼75–80 wt% of dry basis coal (Granda et al., 2014). Therefore ...

PitchLike Products Obtained by the Thermal Solution of Coal in ...

PitchLike Products Obtained by the Thermal Solution of Coal in ...

WEBFeb 6, 2024 · Coaltar pitch is a viscoelastic material consisting of aromatic hydrocarbons. It is isotropic, but may become anisotropic on heating [].In the production of carbon fibers, mesophase coal pitch is of most value, on account of its ability to melt without rupture of the fibers [1, 2].Such pitch is characterized by a thermotropic crystal, which facilitates .

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