coal powder ftb

High Pressure Coal Boiler (GregTech 4)

High Pressure Coal Boiler (GregTech 4)

WEBThe High Pressure Coal Boiler is therefore the most fuel efficient Coalburning GregTech generator. The boiler can hold 32,000 Liters of steam and 16,000 Liters of water. As long as its temperature is above 100, every 10 ticks it will consume 1 Liter of water and produce 150 Liters of steam, equivalent to 15 /t of steam.

Gold Powder (EnderIO)

Gold Powder (EnderIO)

WEBNote: Hover the mouse over an item to show its chance. Usage []. Gold Powder has the same uses as Gold Dust.

Feed The Beast

Feed The Beast

WEBFeb 3, 2024 · FTB StoneBlock 3. In a world surrounded by stone, build yourself a subterranean kingdom that really rocks! Use magic and technology to forge your realm to your designs. Minecraft.

Critical parameters and risk evaluation index for spontaneous ...

Critical parameters and risk evaluation index for spontaneous ...

WEBOct 1, 2022 · This study explores the spontaneous combustion behaviors and hazard prediction index of two types of coal powder under different oxygen concentrations and thickness conditions using experimental apparatus for coal powder spontaneous combustion (Fig. 1).The objective is to obtain the spontaneous combustion process and .

Coal Coke (RotaryCraft)

Coal Coke (RotaryCraft)

WEBcoke. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) Burn Time. 2400 ticks (12 Items) Coal Coke is the result of processing coal in a Blast Furnace.

Possible to make coal in the beta pack? | Feed the Beast

Possible to make coal in the beta pack? | Feed the Beast

WEBJan 5, 2013 · Hi, Can't see any indiion of such on the wiki, but that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be done. Does anyone know if it's possible to make coal in the standard beta pack? Perhaps from industrial centrfuging something or maybe one of the TE contraptions to turn, say, charcoal into liquid...

Coal dust

Coal dust

WEBCoal dust is a finepowdered form of coal which is created by the crushing, grinding, or pulverization of coal rock. Because of the brittle nature of coal, coal dust can be created by mining, transporting, or mechanically handling it.. Grinding or pulverizing coal to a dust form before combusting it improves the speed and efficiency of burning, which makes .

Grin Powder

Grin Powder

WEBStackable. Yes (64) Grin Powder is an item from IndustrialCraft 2 used to craft WeedEX, for use in a CropMatron .



WEBThe Pulverizer is a machine added by Thermal Expansion. Its main use is to turn Ores into their respective Dusts, at a 1:2 ratio. The Dusts can then be smelted in any type of Furnace (such as the Induction Smelter or Electric Furnace) to produce Ingots. Its recipes also sometimes yield a byproduct, thus giving the Pulverizer a slight advantage ...

Fire Water

Fire Water

WEBFire Water is a fluid added by the EnderIO mod. It is used as a fuel for the Combustion Generator and is required for the production of Liquid Sunshine.. Recipe []. The distillation rate is 1:1 (1 bucket of Hootch gives 1 bucket of Fire Water).

Using blaze rods to power generators? | Feed the Beast

Using blaze rods to power generators? | Feed the Beast

WEBJan 22, 2013 · Feed The Beast. General FTB chat . S. Shakie666 New Member ... Use the coal into coal coke for boilers and bones for a bonemeal wheat farm !! ... The heat is lowered in railcraft boilers and EE2 has/is removing the blaze powder to blaze rod dup. S. Siro New Member. Jul 29, 2019 638 0 0. Jul 12, 2013

Coke Dust

Coke Dust

WEBCoke Dust is made in a Crusher with a single piece of Coal Coke. Coke Dust is a component added by Immersive Engineering. It is used to make HOP Graphite Dust and Steel. Coke Dust is made in a Crusher with a single piece of Coal Coke. ... Feed The Beast Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

Coal Coke (Immersive Engineering)

Coal Coke (Immersive Engineering)

WEBCoal Coke is a type of fuel added by Immersive Engineering. It is created by cooking Coal or wood in an Immersive Engineering Coke Oven. It can be used as a combustible in Furnaces, Generators, etc. and will provide four times as much energy as Coal. It is also the only fuel that can fuel an Immersive Engineering Blast Furnace, besides Charcoal .

Basalz Powder

Basalz Powder

WEBBasalz Powder is an item added by the Thermal Foundation mod. It is used to create Petrotheum Dust, which in turn is used to create Tectonic Petrotheum . Recipe [ edit ]

The Vat

The Vat

WEBThe Vat from EnderIO is a refinery style block that can produce 4 products from combining 2 items and a fluid that differs for each.. The first is Hootch, which requires an unprocessed grown food item (poison potatoes are the best producing 2 buckets) and sugar with the fluid of water to distill.. The second is Fire Water, which requires blaze powder and redstone .

Ender Pearl Powder

Ender Pearl Powder

WEBEnderIO:itemPowderIngot:5. OreDict Name. dustEnderPearl. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) The Ender Pearl Powder is a dust item added by the EnderIO mod. A seldom used crafting item.

Iron Powder (EnderIO)

Iron Powder (EnderIO)

WEBEnderIO:itemPowderIngot:1. OreDict Name. dustIron. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) The Iron Powder is a dust added by the EnderIO mod.



WEBNetherrack is a vanilla Minecraft block found natively in the is the most common block found in the Nether, and can be mined quickly with any pickaxe. If the top of a Netherrack block is set on fire, the fire will not burn itself out nor destroy the Netherrack.. In the Ex Nihilo mod, Netherrack can be made by adding Redstone to a Bucket of Lava in .

Blizz Rod

Blizz Rod

WEBOreDict Name. rodBlizz. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) Blizz Rod is an item added by the Thermal Foundation mod. It is dropped by the Blizz mob and is the frozen counterpart of the Blaze Rod. It can be converted into Blizz Powder .

Fire Water

Fire Water

WEBFire Water. Fire Water is a fluid added by the EnderIO mod. It is used as a fuel for the Combustion Generator and is required for the production of Liquid Sunshine .

Crusher (Immersive Engineering)

Crusher (Immersive Engineering)

WEBThis page is about the Crusher added by Immersive Engineering. For other uses, see Crusher. The Crusher is a 3×5×3 multiblock added by Immersive Engineering. It is used for crushing ores into grit, which is more efficient than normal smelting. Once the blocks are assembled, use the Engineer's Hammer on the center of the front of the longer side .

Ore Level Distribution | Feed the Beast

Ore Level Distribution | Feed the Beast

WEBDec 30, 2012 · diamond 116 Iron 164 Coal 1?? (seems to be anywhere) as for the others, I have no idea, as I used to play with different tin/copper, but they seem to be at least 164 as you can usually find copper at cave entrance.

Vibrant Alloy

Vibrant Alloy

WEBingotPhasedGold. ingotVibrantAlloy. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) The Vibrant Alloy is an ingot added by the EnderIO mod. It serves no purpose other than being used as a crafting component. It can be found in a Blacksmith Chest with a % chance.

Pulverizer (Thermal Expansion 5)

Pulverizer (Thermal Expansion 5)

WEBThe Pulverizer is a machine added by Thermal Expansion 5. It is used to turn a block of ore into two of its respective Dusts. The Dusts can then be smelted in any type of Furnace to produce Ingots at a 1:1 ratio. It has a chance of giving a secondary output, which varies between ores. The Pulverizer has one input (blue), a primary output (red ...

Direwolf20 finding certain ores : r/feedthebeast

Direwolf20 finding certain ores : r/feedthebeast

WEBY = 32+ For focusing on Coal and Copper, and surfacelevel mining should be pretty good for Coal. ... The /r/feedthebeast subreddit is not affiliated or associated with the Feed the Beast company. Members Online. What are some "big mods" that are actually new, instead of port forwards or recreations of mods for 10 year old versions? ...

Hydrated Coal Dust (IndustrialCraft 2)

Hydrated Coal Dust (IndustrialCraft 2)

WEBUsage. Hydrated Coal Dust (IndustrialCraft 2) can be used to create the following items: Coal Dust (IndustrialCraft 2) H. Coal. SingleUse Battery. Small Pile of Hydrated Coal Dust (GregTech 4) Small Pile of Hydrated Coal Dust (GregTech 5) Tiny Pile of Hydrated Coal Dust (GregTech 4) Tiny Pile of Hydrated Coal Dust (GregTech 5)

Fluid Conduit

Fluid Conduit

WEBFluid Conduit. Fluid Conduit is a block used to transport liquids. The maximum transfer rate depends on a liquid itself but the basic Fluid Conduit typically can extract 50 /t from a tank and can carry 200 /t through a single conduit. Fluid conduits are also affected by gravity whereas the Pressurized Fluid Conduit and Ender Fluid Conduit ...

Silicon (EnderIO)

Silicon (EnderIO)

WEBEnderIO:itemMaterial. OreDict Name. itemSilicon. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) Silicon is an item added by the EnderIO mod. It is used in crafting and creating alloys.

[FTB Infinity] Easy to make fuel sources that burn longer than coal ...

[FTB Infinity] Easy to make fuel sources that burn longer than coal ...

WEBEndoflames handle 4x the coal block, that is, 64,000 fuel units. They should be capable of handling maximumpower Brew of Combustion. Depending on your pack, you can mass produce glowstone easily enough. Distillery from blaze powder and gunpowder, only need a mob grinder that handles blazes, plus clay. 1 diamond.

Farming Station

Farming Station

WEBFarming Station is a block added by the EnderIO mod. It can be configured to automatically farm various produce when supplied the proper power and tools ( Hoe for crops and Axe for wood). Whatever enchantments applied to the tools also work (Such as looting/fortune to gain more out of your crops). Everytime the Farming Station harvests, it ...

How can I get infinite coal? (FTB monster) : r/feedthebeast

How can I get infinite coal? (FTB monster) : r/feedthebeast

WEBMineChem might also be able to convert charcoal to coal. Not really on that one, though. Harvester + Planter + Coal seeds from magical crops + cyclic assembler + steam dynamo + liquid transfer node + infinite water source. Magical Crops now works with the MFR devices, and it works pretty well.

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